SKN IOT TECHNOLOGY Introducing 4G Router and 4g Sim based Card Slot with Wifi W8,w7,w7 eco,w9 by it has various features including sim slot and with various bandwith supported .It can make office,industry,house,hospital with wireless fidelity. As it has highest bandwidth range supported by high rate data transmission flow nearly 300 mbps we are planning for 5g configuration in sim based router in near.
Its compact size it can be easily can carried any where having glamorous look .The main feature is it is having USB Charging,imei no is also available
It has various configurations which are made for different types of usage with network range and speed. Realtime 4G Router has W7, W8, W9,W7 ECO three models respectively. This product is a W8 model and its 4G Router with an external antenna which is the double antenna for higher speed and long range.
The best usage for this device is from the remote locations where line based internet or broadband-based internet are not available for giving the online transmission to the devices which are required for flow less working over the internet.
It is very needy for surveliance system, it can give the network connectivity to the DVR or NVR for a live view of the CCTV through wifi or lan connectivity where continous live signal view can be seen in mobile app. It can also make any TCP/IP based biometric attendance both face recognition and fingerprint biometric and access control systems also handheld devices online from the remote area and can send the data to its cloud server. Make any device online by use of this device.The below are products.